Journal - 27-07-2022:
NTC-T Perth Royal Infirmary
RDA Architects were delighted to see Mr Humza Yousaf Cabinet Secretary for Health & Social Care at Perth Royal Infirmary today. Chief Executive Professor Grant Archibald welcomed Mr Yousaf and introduced him to staff and patients in ward 8 which is the elective surgery ward. The Cabinet Secretary then went on to meet staff who are involved with the new National Treatment Centre – Tayside which is to be built at the hospital.
The National Treatment Centre – Tayside (NTC-T) at the hospital will be part of a national network of treatment centres being created across Scotland.
Clinical Lead for the project consultant anaesthetist Dr Michael Forster updated Mr Yousaf on the progress of National Treatment Centre – Tayside at PRI and how important this new facility will be in supporting the NHS Scotland Recovery Plan, as well as the positive impact it will have on Tayside patients and waiting lists.
RDA Architects proposals for the NTC-T will see a purpose-built unit with five new theatres to complement the five existing theatres PRI. The centre will also have two enhanced treatment rooms for ophthalmology and day procedures as well as dedicated patient rooms for all pre and post operative checks and a short stay unit.
It will offer a range of routine procedures for patients in specialities including breast surgery, general surgery, gynaecology, neurosurgery, oral maxillofacial surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology, plastic surgery, urology, dermatology and ear, nose and throat.